Friday, May 1, 2020

Au Revoir

Sorry folks, I seem to have run out of steam. Mornings I concoct what I will write then type it into the computer. The last three mornings the beginnings of a letter on the depths of the culpability of China in our present predicament wouldn’t gel when it came to keying it in.
I simply could not make my view that China released the virus deliberately to decimate the rest of the world credible. How successful has the strategy worked? Australia will lose something like half of what is left of our industry and a large slice of our commercial enterprise.
            Paying off the debt that is looming will take many generations - that is if that action is ever completed as the interest on billions of dollars continues to stack up. Obviously unemployment will be higher resulting in two parallel impacts on the Budget. Firstly, the income tax paid by workers will shrink because there are fewer of them. Therefore the cash flow of retail businesses will also shrink further lowering tax revenues. Secondly the welfare budget will be higher due to the higher level of unemployment where a few hundred thousand will morph from taxpayers to welfare dependents.
            Communists are a wily lot who do not believe in absolute truth. Their view is that whatever advances the Communist Party is the truth. No credence should ever have been placed on anything they said.
            It has taken me three days to put these few words together. As the late Kenny Rogers sang in his popular song The Gambler “You gotta know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em ---” The realisation has dawned that it’s time to fold ’em – the keyboard that is and my knitting needles – and ride off into the sunset.
            It is my earnest hope that at least one of you will take up the issues I have been pounding for more than seventy years. I will continue monitoring this medium to see if there are any rumblings.

            Fare thee well

Monday, April 27, 2020

advancing the communist cause

Have you ever wondered why the United Nations is dysfunctional? Since its establishment on 24 October 1945 the Security Council has consisted of five permanent members each with the power of veto. Two, Russia and China, were, and still are, communist. To a communist there is no absolute truth, truth is whatever advances the communist cause. How, then, have western scientists – people you would expect to have questioning minds – swallowed hook line and sinker the iffy Chinese data on coronavirus that has struck a death blow to much of our remaining industry and commerce? Surely it will become obvious in time that the virus has advanced the communist cause.
Yours truly
Ron Fischer

Sunday, April 26, 2020

the new normal

When the current crisis is resolved and the new normal emerges perhaps Australian workers will embrace the concept that “Any job is better than no job" even if it embraces shift work.
Perhaps then we hearing impaired people in Aged Care won’t have to struggle to understand the myriad of accents as has been the norm for the five years I have been a resident.
Yours truly
Ron Fischer