Friday, April 24, 2020

the pseudo president

Congratulations Lorraine on your visionary statement in “Hot Topic” (April 25) “I am not a Morrison fan but his government has done a remarkable job.” It is the government that makes the decisions in our Westminster system not the pseudo president that our recent PM’s have been turned into through widespread ignorance.
Yours truly
Ron Fischer

Thursday, April 23, 2020

symbol of ANZAC

Please tell me when and for what reason has the poppy become the symbol of ANZAC? The poppies grew at Flanders and are the symbol of the bloodshed that occurred there in WW1. The symbol of ANZAC is a solitary pine tree that was virtually demolished by the crossfire that occurred in its domain in 1915. It seems some people need a lesson or two on Australian history.
Yours truly
Ron Fischer

Monday, April 20, 2020

Hi Barry

Thank you for your continued support. The reason our "conversations" are one-sided is that I haven't got my noggin around the technique of putting a comment on my blog. On one occasion I spotted a button "Add a comment" and I did but it didn't go through and I haven't seen that button again since. If I do I'll have another go.
best regards  U. Ron